Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The IMOC Nook 1991

Embarking on a new endeavour is always a challenge for me since the beginning...and tracing back exactly twenty years ago , my association with the most-sought MINUS ONE MUSIC MAGAZINE is synonymous to a one of a kind opportunity shared by “somebody” ( who knew nothing about me yet entrusted me to explore more)… a learning experience in writing (which I gained and placed me to where I am right now)...the leadership and respect earned within( and passed on to another ) and most significantly…a fruitful endeavour as a whole of meeting different people who eventually shared lives and destined to be part of the called “ IMOC Family”.

As the Club turned 20th year this January 28, 2010The IMOC never-ending story unfolds a new chapter as we bring back the past ( where every-MINUS ONE-music afficionados then, joined together for a common cause ) …and by the Power of the Internet vested upon us, we are hereby reconnected to commemorate the spirited camaraderie, to call upon "YOU" who shared with us… to inspire people and let them know …that there was once upon time a story behind MINUS ONE pages

(Column Conceptualized by AEY/IRLAN 1991)

1 comment:

  1. No matter if we grow old and no matter where the road leads us to..we should not forget to look back..yes there once called an IMOC who myself was accepted and been treated like a part of the family.
